
We accelerate the transition to a new economy

where people and planet thrive together.


Our Local Impact to Date

Impact Hub 是以位於不同城市的在地空間所串連起的國際網絡。在各地城市中,此空間匯集影響力社群、創立影響力孵化器與擔任影響力顧問等角色,此外更是一個集合各種資源、靈感、合作機會與擴大社會影響力的獨特生態系統。
10 +


1000 k+


50 +



Building a locally rooted and globally connected Ecosystem that drives Sustainable Actions.

Making Impact Together

在過去十年,Impact Hub Taipei 提供沃土,滋養致力於發展和落實創新解決方案的 Impact Makers,以一同建立更美好的社會。



For 10 years, Impact Hub Taipei has provided a fertile playground for dedicated impact makers who develop and implement innovative solutions for a better society.


We collaborate across organizations, cultures, and generations to shape a just and sustainable future.

Our partners in change

Impact Stories

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