張士庭 Oliver Chang
Impact Hub Taipei 共同創辦人暨營運長
Co-Founder & COO, Impact Hub Taipei
Impact Hub 亞太地區副召集人
Regional Co-Host, Impact Hub Asia Pacific
國際活動品牌(Fuckup Nights, CreativeMornings, Glug, GCUC)在台營運授權代理
Licensee and Lead Host, Fuckup Nights Taipei, CreativeMornings Taipei, Glug Taiwan, GCUC Taiwan
曾任 Impact Hub 總部品牌委員會成員
Charter Member of Brand Committee, Impact Hub Global
Executive Supervisor, B Lab Taiwan
台北搞砸之夜(FuckUp Nights Taipei)共同主持人
Co-Host, Fuckup Nights Taipei
His passion is to explore new ways of collaboration and sharing for co-creating a better world. And he’s passionate about how intermediates and social entrepreneurship can support entrepreneurs, enterprises and communities, building desirable benefits and outcomes, as well as amplifying impact.