Gender Impact Accelerator

世界經濟論壇《2020全球性別落差報告》(Global Gender Gap Report 2020)指出,假設我們持續依照目前的速度來推動性別平等的工作,至少還需要99.5年的時間才能達成。換句話說,如果我們仍期望在2030年前達成永續發展目標5的願景,勢必得投注更多資源與資金加速推動性別平等工作的進程。

「性別影響力加速器」(Gender Impact Accelerator, GIA)是由泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會與婦女權益促進發展基金會發起,並攜手Impact Hub Taipei共同策動,為亞太地區青年打造的永續行動培育計畫,希望可以建立一個以「倡議性別影響力」為主的亞太社會創新網絡,號召具創造力與執行力的青年社創家,提出落實性別平等生活的創新提案。透過一系列模組化培訓課程以及業師輔導,並結合AVPN國際社群網絡資源,一起打造「亞太性別影響力生態圈」,加速達成性別平等與永續發展的願景。


The Global Gender Gap Report 2020 finds that the gender gap has closed slightly since 2019, yet it will still require 99.5 years to achieve full parity at the current pace. In other words, if we still expect to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, we will have to invest more resources and funds to accelerate the progress in gender equality.

Gender Impact Accelerator is a gender lens social enterprise accelerator co-organized by the Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA), Foundation of Women’s Rights Promotion and Development (FWRPD), and Impact Hub Taipei. As to support young social innovators and collect practical projects for gender equality, we design a series of training and mentoring sessions. We hope to establish an Asia-Pacific social innovation network for gender equality and sustainable development.


  • 募集18-35歲亞太地區青年參與GIA,預計招收20組有性別創新提案的團隊,透過培訓計畫與提案競賽,最終選出3組優秀提案,建立關注性別平等的青年社創家網絡,凝聚新一代女性主義者的社會影響力策略及具體做法

Recruit 18-35 years old young talented from the Asia-Pacific region to participate in the program. It is expected to gather around 20 startups with gender innovation project proposals. After the final pitching, three outstanding projects will be finally selected to develop and accelerate to the next stage.


  • 本計畫希望能成立一個以「倡議性別影響力」為主的亞太社會創新網絡,組織具創造力與執行力的青年社創家,為主要任務。且期許在未來三年持續培育性別創新青年人才,並於2024年帶領亞太地區青年,前往國際舞台展現亞太地區的社會創新實踐力與影響力。

Gender Impact Accelerator aims to build a social innovation network for gender equality. Keep nurturing talented youth to tackle gender issues in the next three years, and lead the young people from the Asia Pacific region to make impact in the global market.



  • 報名日期:2021年1月15日至2021年3月14日止(GMT+8 23:59)

Date: January 15, 2021(GMT+8 12:00) until March 14, 2021(GMT+8 23:59)


  • 報名方式:請於截止日期前,至活動網站報名系統中上傳計畫申請書及影片,即可完成報名。

How to Apply: Please fill out the application online and upload the pitch video on the website before the due.


  • 申請資格:
    • 個人:本國參加者提供身分證影本;國外參加者提供護照影本。
    • 組織:經政府合法設立之公司或非營利組織。
    • 團隊提案計劃有助於消除各式性別不平等的歧視;或能將性別觀點融入團隊的產品或服務當中。
    • 我們在尋求突破性的創新解方以及有決心作出改變的組織,並具有社會影響力與永續的思維模式。


    • Individual: People aged 18 to 35, whose nationality is in the Asia Pacific region.
    • Organization: An organization which has been established for less than two years; and its establishment should be within the Asia Pacific region.
    • The project proposal can contribute to gender equality, or integrate a gender perspective into your product or service.
    • We are looking for innovative ideas and breakthrough solutions. Also, recruit people who are determined to make a difference in the world, and have a sustainable mindset.


  • 計畫申請書:請用英文填寫,並依照附件格式撰寫具體可執行性的方案,內容應包函下列項目:
    • 基本資料表(附件1.1、附件1.2)
    • 計畫提案資料表,包含計畫目標、對應之SDGs指標、執行內容、計畫產生之社會影響力、計畫永續性與可執行性、其他可能合作模式(附件2)

Application Form:The form shall be filled out in English. Upload your pitch deck or detailed plan. The content shall at least include the followings:

    • Basic Information. (Doc 1.1, Doc 1.2)
    • Action Plan: including project goals, corresponding SDGs, implementation plan, social impact, sustainability and feasibility, and other potential collaboration stakeholders, etc. (Doc 2)


  • 簡介影片:請用英文錄製一段3分鐘的演說影片,格式為mp4檔,並提供影片雲端連結。

Upload a pitch video: Please film a 3-minute pitch video in English in mp4 format.


  • 由主辦單位邀請業界人士、學者或相關專家等擔任評審,進行審查作業。

Your application will be reviewed by professionals, scholars or relevant experts.


  • 評比標準:申請案例除須符合計畫對應之SDGs標準,並以下述四面向作為評選基準,每面向各佔總分25%。
    • 社會影響力:與聯合國永續發展目標連結,創新案例具有顯著且明確的社會影響力。
    • 破壞式創新:創新案例之解決方式突破既有作法,並進行跨領域整合性運用。
    • 跨界合作潛力:合作模式能結合各方的利害關係人,促進多元連結與跨界合作。
    • 永續與可行性:計畫運作可行性、發展潛力與可規模化。

Evaluation Matrix: The proposal must be linked to SDGs Goal5 and else corresponding goals to solve a certain social problem.

    • Social Impact: Link to the SDGs Significant and clear social influence from the solution.
    • Disruptive Innovation: The solution is disruptive enough and able to integrate across domains.
    • Cross-Border Partnership: The solution can be engaged with several potential stakeholders from different areas or different disciplines.
    • Feasibility and Sustainability: The feasibility and sustainability of the solution, and potential to scale the impact or beneficiaries.


  • 初選
    • 以影片和書面審查為主,選出最終二十組進入加速計畫。
    • 於2021年3月17日公布二十組入選者於官網與粉絲專頁。
    • 初選通過者將會接受線上Boot Camp培訓,並於亞太社會創新高峰會向潛在投資者進行決選簡報。(團隊以兩人參與為上限)

Preliminary Review

    • Your pitch video and written application will be reviewed.
    • 20 iconic proposals will be selected for the final round.
    • We will announce the finalists at GIA official website and Impact Hub Taipei Facebook on March 17th.
    • The finalists will need to participate in the online training boot camp, final round and awards ceremony. (Each proposal can send 2 people in maximum.)


  • 決選
    • 於2021年4月10日亞太社會創新高峰會現場發表計畫,預計選出最終前三名,分別可獲得計畫加速獎金,第一名3,000美元、第二名2,000美元以及第三名1,000美元。
    • 獎金將分兩階段發放,決選簡報完前三名團隊將可獲得20% 加速獎金,並於六個月後在亞太社會創新高峰會平台上發表執行成果,即可獲得剩下的80% 加速獎金。
    • 前三名之團隊將有為期半年的業師輔導陪伴,須於半年輔導期間實際執行提案計畫,並於亞太社會創新高峰會平台上發表執行成果。

Final Round

    • You will have to pitch to the judges on Asia Pacific Social Innovation Summit on April 10th.
    • The top 3 champions will receive: 1st place for US$3000, 2nd place for US$2000, 3rd place for US$1000. You will get 20% of the reward after the final round, and then get the 80% of the price when you practice your project after 6 months.
    • The top 3 champions will be matched with a mentor for 6 months.
