SDGs專欄正式推出 Column on SDGs Officially Launched
11 April 2016 - Oliver Chang

從四月開始,Impact Hub Taipei 和 NPOst 公益交流站 聯手推出聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)的專欄,每個月我們都會和大家分享不同目標的新知和國內外實例,讓社會大眾進一步認識 SDGs,也從自身周圍發現問題,開始行動。




Starting from April, we launch the “Column on SDGs,” in partnership with NPOst, to introduce you what SDGs are and some international and local cases and best practices for our readers. We’re happy to kick off this project, educating public and raising their awareness on discovering problems and finding solutions related to each goal.

So what is Sustainable Development Goals? Check out our article and video made by United Nations to understand.

