這個月,Impact Hub Taipei 將探究聯合國永續發展目標第 8 項-「良好工作與經濟成長(Decent Work and Economic Growth)」的定義,同時也讓大家思索童工、國際移工、身障者在追求良好工作時所面臨的挑戰與困難。而下篇,我們將針對台灣各社群對此目標的回應進行更深入的探討。
The International Labour Organization Decent Work Agenda promotes access for all to freely chosen employment, the recognition of fundamental rights at work, an income to enable people to meet their basic economic, social and family needs and responsibilities and an adequate level of social protection for the workers and family members. Opportunities for all men and women of working age, including migrant workers, to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity should be promoted. These are what ILO defines and promotes “Decent Work.”
This month, Impact Hub Taipei presents you the meaning and definition of the eighth SDGs goal – Decent Work and Economic Growth, providing you more inputs on the challenges and difficulties child labors, migrant workers and disabled people face while they’re pursuing decent work like us. We’ve invited local community to reflect and see what’s happening locally in responses to this goal. Please await for our next article on the topics!